Creation of customized websites according to the needs and objectives of your client.
Developing responsive websites that work optimally on mobile and desktop devices.
Using on-page and off-page SEO techniques to increase search engine rankings.
In charge of the La Polla Te Apuesta Project Betting software for the Qatar 2022 World Cup, with Angular, NodeJs, MongoDB, AWS, Redis, CI/CD, Git and Linux.
FrontEnd and BackEnd programmer in the development and implementation of the Diploma and Resolution System with JAVA, Spring Boot, Angular, MySQL, Git and AWS technology. Development under Agile SCRUM Methodology.
FrontEnd and BackEnd programmer in the development of the Degree and Title System and database design with PHP, MYSQL, JS, AJAX, Boostrap and Git technologies.
Programmer in Commercial Projects, REST API, Web Service and Webhooks, integration with game providers, prize payment and customer identification, with JAVA 8 and 6 technology, Oracle, Maven, Jboss, JPA Hibernate, Spring, Subversion and SCRUM methodology.s